Monday, October 12, 2009

"Kind of a Big Deal"

This morning we got up early and headed into Nakhon Phanom to have breakfast with the Director of District One (the school district we are teaching in) and then to meet the Vice Governor. Yesterday on our trip into town we all purchased "Nakhon Phanom shirts", which are like Aloha shirts, that every resident wears on Tuesday. We were told it would make a good impression if we showed up wearing the local shirt so we did, piling out of our van in a rainbow of florescent orange, yellow, purple, blue and pink. We ate breakfast, listened to speeches (all in Thai ) and had quick conversations with our principles. Then we headed over to the Governor's office where we met with the Vice Governor (the Governor was in Bangkok participating in a seminar, though we are scheduled to meet him too) and listened to more speeches. Oh, we also learned we will be on TV on Friday...yeah that's right, we're kind of a "big deal"...


  1. Cool Shirt, Kate! Fluorescent purple is definitely your color. Sounds like your adventures are really starting - can't wait to read your next posting!

  2. Hi Kate!
    It looks like the school is set in a real nice place and you had one hell of a welcome meal also...

    Sounds like you are enjoying things thus far, have a great time, it will prove to be amazing I'm sure!

    Josh and Angela
