Wednesday, September 16, 2009

God Winks

The universe has been taking the time to send little things my way to let me know that I have made the right decision. The largest of these "God Winks" (as my mother calls them) came in the form of two fellow travellers. I had dinner last night with a large group of people, many of whom I have not seen in years. Two of the guests, Josh and Angela, had recently returned from living in Laos and travelling throughout southeast Asia. They offered great advice and helped to calm my pre-departure anxiety. I learned that I should pack toilet paper as this "western luxury" is almost entirely non-existent in rural Thailand where I will be living. Then these two angels offered me their left over anti-malaria meds! Anyone who has been around me these past few weeks can attest to the fact that anti-malaria medication has been a source of stress and anxiety for me, those pills are expensive! In the end I had decided I would go the cheapest route but was not feeling great about my decision. I had originally planned on taking an antibiotic that doubles as a malaria deterrent and an acne medication with a long list of side effects including stomach issues and sensitivity to sunlight. Yet now, thanks to my guardian angels Josh and Angela, I am in possession of 6 months worth of Malarone, the best and side effect free anti malaria medication. Josh told me they had been about to throw them away but decided to wait just a little while longer to see if anyone would be able to use them, and low and behold there I was. So thank you Universe for sending them my way and for helping me to realize I truly am on the right path. Now I can sit back and enjoy my last few weeks here with the confidence that all is well and this is meant to be.

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